
東京都、在住 A男さん.....
偏頭痛に悩まされて20年 偏頭痛が起きると、市販の薬、イブやバファリンを飲んでいました。しかし、
横浜市、在住 B子さん.....慢性の肩こりで、つらい.....
私の仕事は、Webの開発です。毎日12時間はパソコンの前にいます。 肩こり症では、なかったのに職業病ですかね。。。いつのまにか、肩がパンパン。。。。
首を持ち上げるのも、つらく頭が下向きのまま。。。首の付け根から首すじが痛い状態です。 マッサージは、よく行くのですが、押されている時は、気持いいのですが、 終わってみると。。。また、首が痛い状態です。
鍼治療も、やったことあるのですが、全く効かず。。。慢性の肩こりになってしまいました。 なにか、いい改善方法は、ないかなぁー。。。と、探していたら。。。たどり着いたのが 増田流の鍼治療でした。。。最初は、半信半疑で電話しました。。。先生とお話したら
ずいぶん、自身のある様子でしたので、家からは遠いのですが行ってみました。 逗子駅から、4分ほど歩いたところで、きれいな医院でした。 とにかく、肩を楽にしたいと申し付けました。。。。治療が始まりびっくりしました!
まさに、そこ!というところに鍼が突き刺さります。それも、かなり深く入っている感じがしました。 治療は、30分ほどでしたが、マッサージと違う気持ちよさがありました。 治療後は、体がぽかぽかと暖かく、血行がよくなった感じで、眠気もそそる感じです。 こんな、治療法があったのかと関心しました。お話を聞くと。。。明治43年から100年ちかく続く、治療方法らしいです。。。。とにかく、肩が軽くなって、首も上がるようになったのにはびっくりです。。。何回もマッサージに行くより即効性があるし、料金も安くすみます。ちょっと、家から遠いですが、これなら通ってみようかなと思いました。

from migraines for over 20 years”

Resides in Tokyo.

When I would get migraines, I used to take over-the-counter drugs like Eve or
Bufferin. When those didn’t work, I would take Voltaren or Loxonin which
sometimes were not good enough either. I would feel like throwing up in these
kinds of situations and I often did. I was taken to the hospital as many as 6
times with dehydration. I even had to stay in the hospital overnight several

After repeatedly trying all kinds of massages, chiropractors, acupunctures, etc.,
where none of those had successfully cured my migraine, I luckily encountered
the “Masuda method”.

Unlike any other acupuncture, Masuda’s needles come in deeply. They go to the right
spots in my head and the pain would fade away. I was very surprised and it was a
totally new experience for me.

As those thick long needles are placed, pushed, and screwed in, it feels like
Shiatsu (finger pressure therapy) and feels very good. There is never irritating

I wish I knew earlier that there was this wonderful method of acupuncture!! I
thank Masuda-sensei very much. I truly recommend it to those who suffer from

stiff shoulders”

Resides in Yokohama.

I am a web creator and I have to sit in front of a computer for 12 hours every
day. My shoulders were fine before but now they have gotten bad, due to my job.
It’s painful for me to have my head up and I tend to let my head down in order
to avoid pain. The back and the bottom of my neck hurt the most.

I enjoyed getting massages which could temporarily ease my pain, but the pain
would always come back.

I did try other types of acupuncture which didn’t work for me at all. I was
looking for better treatment when I came to know the “Masuda method”.

I made a phone call to Masuda sensei and told him about my problem. He seemed very
confident and reliable on the phone. I decided to visit him even though he was
located far from my place. It was a decent looking clinic and a 4-minute walk
from the Zushi Station.

Only thing I told Masuda sensei was to “relieve my shoulder pain.” The next moment I
was surprised because the needles were put into the “right spots” and very

It was a wonderful 30-minute treatment, different from a massage but felt nice as
well. It warmed my body, made me sleepy probably because of better blood

I never knew there was a such method and Masuda sensei told me that the method had
a 100-year history.

it worked very well with my stiff-shoulders and they are now have very light and
flexible. It worked instantly for me and came out cheaper than paying for
multiple massages.

I don’t live close to him but it’s definitely worth while for me to go see him.

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