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当院は、通常の鍼灸院のステンレス針(鍼)とは異なり、寸6鍼と言われる銀製の鍼(シルバー)  長さ50mm、太さ0.31mmの鍼を使用します、  ステンレス鍼は、髪の毛ほどの太さで長さも、あまり長くありません。多くの鍼灸院ではこの鍼を数ミリ刺して、電気を流したりして治療を行いますが  当院では、数センチ鍼を刺し、ツボへの刺激を強くします。 この深く刺す鍼治療は、増田流と言われ多くの政治家や競輪選手、サッカー選手なども来院します。 また、肩凝り、腰痛、むち打ち、などの運動器系の症状の治療だけではなく、神経系のめまい、  うつ病、頭痛、しびれ、メニエル氏病も治療実績があります。 さまざまな、症状でお悩みの方、是非、当院へご相談ください。

 営業時間:平日、土曜日 9:30~19:00
      日曜日、祭日 9:30~13:00
 初診料:¥2,000  治療費:¥5,000 往診も承ります(往診料別途)

Masuda Acupuncture Clinic

Welcome to Our Website!

Our clinic has been in practice ever since it was founded in 1910
in Tokyo. We are now located here in Zushi practicing and providing sincere
services to people around the area, with the very respectful method of

Are your muscles in pain?

One of the reasons why
you should visit our clinics is that we use a different type of needle compared
to the ones many other clinics use. We use silver needles (50 mm in length, 0.31
mm in diameter) instead of stainless steel needles. Stainless steel needles are
shorter and thinner than our silver needles which work more effectively,
bringing more stimulation to the muscle.

This method is called the “Masuda Method,” which many
professional athletes and celebrities have come to use this treatment. Several
results of effectiveness are recognized, not only for basic muscle aches (such
as back pains, stiff shoulders, and whiplash), but also nervous dizziness, depression, headaches,
numbness, and Meniere’s disease.

Please give it a try
and come knock on our door. We may have a solution for you.


Hours: Mon ~ Sat

Sun, Holidays
9:30 -13:00

E-mail: info@masuda-hari.com

Copyright(c) 2019 masuda-hari Inc. All Rights Reserved.